Iarnrod Eireann has sought planning permission to provide 180 new car parking spaces on lands adjacent to MacDiarmada Station with a new entrance to be provided on the Inner Relief Road.

The new car park will greatly alleviate the traffic congestion which can build up in the area surrounding the joint Bus/Rail station on Lord Edward Street.

The proposed car park expansion will provide 180 additional car parking spaces and six additional accessible spaces along with bicycle shelters, which would cater to the 750 passengers using the eight daily train services to Dublin from the local railway station.

A proposed bus parking area will also provide six bus parking bays and parking spaces for station staff.

Access and from the proposed new car park for rail customers will be via the existing gated entrance on the Inner Relief Road, with Buses entering via the same entrance but exiting the station onto Lord Edward Street.

The existing entrance to the west of the station and set down areas will be kept in place.

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